понедельник, 30 июня 2008 г.
пятница, 27 июня 2008 г.
гоню подробности
среда, 25 июня 2008 г.
This 9-minute Screencast presents several of the new Coding Analysis Toolkit features, such as:
- Primary Account holder as coder
- Split datasets for sub-coding
- Creating sub-codes
- Merge datasets
- Archive datasets
I am a particular fan of the split datasets feature. It allows you to take a pass over your data and code it into "big buckets" which then can be split into unique datasets to be coded at a finer granularity with sub-codes.
Keep the ideas coming!
Stuart Shulman
Dear Colleagues,
Please publicize the following on your website, distribute to listserves, and/or forward to your publications editor for newsletters, etc.
The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) invites abstracts (papers and posters) for the Program of the 69th Annual Meeting in Santa Fe, NM, March 17-21, 2009. The theme of the Program is "Global Challenge, Local Action: Ethical Engagement, Partnerships and Practice".
The Society is a multi-disciplinary association that focuses on problem definition and resolution. We welcome papers from all disciplines. The deadline for abstract submission is October 15, 2008. For additional information on the theme, abstract size/format, and the meeting, please visit our web page (http://www.sfaa.net and click on "Annual Meeting").
If you have a webpage for links, please add the following:
The Society for Applied Anthropology is pleased to announce our 69th Annual Meeting in Santa Fe, NM, March 17-21, 2009. For meeting information visit http://www.sfaa.net/sfaa2009.html
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Melissa Cope
Society for Applied Anthropology
PO Box 2436
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
405-843-8553 (fax)
суббота, 21 июня 2008 г.
четверг, 19 июня 2008 г.
Marian May
[ Abstract | Full Text (PDF, 160 kB) ]
This paper examines interviewer-respondent interaction in the collection of demographic data. Conversation analysis (CA) makes transparent the interaction between an interviewer and 25 respondents on a question about pregnancy and birth timing in an Australian telephone survey, Negotiating the Life Course. The analysis focuses on the troubles that occur and the work interviewers do to fit respondents' answers to the survey researcher's categories. Interviewers are shown to act as mediators in difficult interaction, with responses often distorted by question format, the imperative of achieving an allowed response, and the need to keep the respondent in the survey.
четверг, 12 июня 2008 г.
Источник: LGBT site
четверг, 5 июня 2008 г.
Конкурсный отбор для предоставления субсидий по поддержке международных программ и проектов. ![]() |
04.06.2008 |
естественные, технические, гуманитарные дисциплины |
![]() Комитет по науке и высшей школе правительства Санкт-Петербурга проводит в 2008 г. конкурсный отбор для предоставления субсидий по поддержке международных программ и проектов. |
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вторник, 3 июня 2008 г.
The reporting of statistical significance in scientific journals
A reflexion
keywords: statistical significance
Scientific journals in most empirical disciplines have regulations about how authors should report the precision of their estimates of model parameters and other model elements. Some journals that overlap fully or partly with the field of demography demand as a strict prerequisite for publication that a p-value, a confidence interval, or a standard deviation accompany any parameter estimate. I feel that this rule is sometimes applied in an overly mechanical manner. Standard deviations and p-values produced routinely by general-purpose software are taken at face value and included without questioning, and features that have too high a p-value or too large a standard deviation are too easily disregarded as being without interest because they appear not to be statistically significant. In my opinion authors should be discouraged from adhering to this practice, and flexibility rather than rigidity should be encouraged in the reporting of statistical significance. I would also encourage thoughtful rather than mechanical use of p-values, standard deviations, confidence intervals, and the like.
the full text of a paper or reflexion, go to http://www.demographic-research.org
понедельник, 2 июня 2008 г.
Естественные; гуманитарные дисциплины |
![]() Программа малых грантов – это программа для выпускников обменных программ, финансируемая Отделом образовательных и культурных программ Госдепартамента США (ECA) и направленная на дальнейшее повышение профессиональной квалификации выпускников. |
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