четверг, 28 августа 2008 г.


Более 1,2 тысячи наркоманов Вологодской области стоят на учете, это почти в два раза меньше количества вообще принимающих наркотики вологжан. Как рассказал на заседании областной антинаркотической комиссии заместитель начальника областного департамента здравоохранения Александр Попугаев, всего наркотические вещества принимают около 2,3 жителей области, сообщает корреспондент ИА REGNUM. (Жаль, не рассказал каким образом 1.2 переходит в 2.3?)

При этом, по словам Александра Попугаева, только в 2007 году, в связи с длительной ремиссией, с учета снято 1,9% хронических алкоголиков и 0,5% - наркоманов. В рамках реабилитационной и профилактической кампании в области проводятся тематические совещания, конференции, городки здоровья и семинары-тренинги медицинских работников. На радио и телевидении появляются тематические программы, подготовлено 67 волонтеров. Однако, по словам Александра Попугаева, этих мер явно недостаточно. Системно эта проблема решается в Череповце, где разработана профилактическая программа "Дорога к дому".

Постоянный адрес новости: www.regnum.ru/news/1047667.html
15:26 28.08.2008

вторник, 19 августа 2008 г.


Иллюстрация с сайта thesqueal.com

Некоммерческие организации, полагающие, что в России проживает более миллиона ВИЧ-инфицированных, завышают цифру более чем вдвое. Об этом заявил начальник отдела по организации надзора за ВИЧ/СПИД Роспотребнадзора Александр Голиусов, принимающий участие в 17-й международной конференции, посвященной проблемам ВИЧ-инфекции, передает ИТАР-ТАСС.

По словам представителя Роспотребнадзора, в России ВИЧ-инфекция выявлена у 400 тысяч человек. Таким образом, «апокалиптические прогнозы по ВИЧ/СПИД в отношении России оказались несостоятельны», - заявил он.

Голиусов подчеркнул, что в нашей стране лекарства от ВИЧ получают все, кто в них нуждается и хочет лечиться – 93% зараженных. В среднем на диагностику и лечение каждого больного ВИЧ/СПИД в России уходит 100 тысяч рублей в год. В будущем году планируется удвоить финансирование профилактических программ по ВИЧ/СПИДу, выделив 400 миллионов рублей.

По словам чиновника, на всемирном форуме в Мехико впервые и открытие, и все пленарные совещания шли с переводом на русский язык. Этот факт можно расценивать свидетельством того, что международное сообщество признало успехи России в борьбе с ВИЧ-инфекцией, отметил Голиусов.

Напомним, в ноябре прошлого года представители Объединенной программы ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу (UNAIDS) заявили, что по их данным, реальное число носителей ВИЧ в России может достигать миллиона человек. В свою очередь, главный государственный санитарный врач РФ Геннадий Онищенко выразил сомнение в обоснованности выводов международной организации, назвав их данные тенденциозными и некорректными.

вторник, 5 августа 2008 г.


US underestimated country's HIV epidemic

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US health authorities acknowledged that they had substantially underestimated the number of new HIV infections in the country, in a study showing that the epidemic is worse than previously thought.

About 56,300 people were infected with the virus that causes AIDS in 2006, a figure 40 percent higher than the previous estimate of 40,000 new infections a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Saturday.

"This new picture reveals that the HIV epidemic is -- and has been -- worse than previously known and underscores the challenges in confronting this disease," Kevin Fenton, director of the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.

The revised assessment came on the eve of a six-day international AIDS conference in Mexico City, which is expected to be attended by some 22,000 scientists, policymakers and grassroots workers.

The CDC said new technology allowed it to establish a more precise estimate of the epidemic.(I would like to have a look)

"These data, which are based on new laboratory technology developed by CDC, provide the clearest picture to date of the US HIV epidemic, and unfortunately we are far from winning the battle against this preventable disease," said CDC Director Julie Gerberding.

"We as a nation have to come together to focus our efforts on expanding the prevention programs we know are effective," she said.

The study found that the annual number of new infections was never as low as 40,000. While new infections increased in the last 1990s, they have been roughly stable since then.

"While the level of HIV incidence is alarming, stability in recent years suggests that prevention efforts are having an impact," said Richard Wolitski, acting director of the CDC's Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.

The study also found that gay and bisexual men as well as and African American men and women are the groups most affected by HIV.

The new estimate found that 53 percent of new infections occurred in gay and bisexual men, while heterosexuals accounted for 31 percent of them and injection drug users for 12 percent.

African Americans, who make up 13 percent of the US population, accounted for 45 percent of the new infections in 2006. The infection rate among blacks was seven times higher than among whites -- 83.7 out of 100,000 people compared to 11.5 out of 100,000.

The study found some encouraging signs of progress as new infections have dropped among both injecting drug users and heterosexuals.

The CDC said the new estimate will be published in a special HIV/AIDS issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association that was to be released in Mexico City on Sunday. The agency released them Saturday because news organizations broke the embargo.

Anti-AIDS groups said the revised estimate showed that the HIV infection rate was not dropping and may be increasing significantly, and that it highlighted the need for a comprehensive national strategy to combat AIDS.

"HIV/AIDS continues to be a public health emergency that has not received adequate nor appropriate attention as a nationwide priority," said Julie Davids, Executive Director of the Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP).

"To make measurable progress against HIV, we need to know whether infection rates are going up, which groups are becoming infected, and which prevention activities reduce new infections," said Mark Cloutier, chief executive officer of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.

"We need a comprehensive National AIDS Strategy with measurable outcome targets, a timeline for action, increased funding and a particular focus on those most at risk, including racial and ethnic minorities."

Joseph Interrante, chairman of the AIDS Action Council's board of directors said the revised figures represented "an unacceptable level of new HIV infections for a preventable disease."

"The revised estimate underlines the need for a national AIDS strategy with measurable outcomes, reliance on evidence-based programs, and sufficient funding," Interrante said in a statement.

Source: AFP, 3 August 2008.

воскресенье, 3 августа 2008 г.


США: данные о числе людей с ВИЧ занижены

Число ВИЧ-инфицированных в США значительно выше, чем предполагалось, заявили американские медики.

По данным Центра по контролю и предотвращению заболеваний, только в 2006 году вирусом иммунодефицита человека в США заразились более 56 тысяч человек.

Это на 40% больше, чем показывали предыдущие исследования.

Такой существенный рост показателя, отмечают медики, - скорее результат использования усовершенствованных методов диагностики, а не роста числа случаев заражения.

Благодаря новым методикам анализа крови ученые впервые могут определить, когда - с точностью до года - ВИЧ попал в организм человека. (у нас есть ?)

Предполагается, что новые данные появились и благодаря пересмотру статистических методов. (интересно: что оне пересмотрели?)

Ученые отмечают, что ежегодный рост числа зараженных в США с 1990-х годов остается относительно стабильным и всегда превышает 40 тысяч человек.

Медики назвали результаты исследования "тревожным сигналом, который показывает, что эпидемия ВИЧ/СПИДа в США далека от завершения".

Специалисты центра подтвердили результаты предыдущих исследований о группах риска, согласно которым ВИЧ быстрее всего распространяется среди мужчин гомо- и бисексуальной ориентации и афро-американцев обоих полов.

Конференция в Мехико

Вместе с тем, в одном из последних исследований, посвященных СПИДу, ученые заявили, что ожидаемая продолжительность жизни для людей с ВИЧ увеличилась в среднем на 13 лет с конца 1990-х годов. (похоже на х.свист)

Как отмечают эксперты в статье, опубликованной в медицинском журнале Lancet (надо см.), благодаря современным методам лечения вирус иммунодефицита человека сегодня можно считать скорее хроническим недугом, нежели смертельной болезнью.

В субботу несколько тысяч активистов прошли маршем по улицам столицы Мексики в знак протеста против дискриминации людей, инфицированных ВИЧ.

Акция прошла накануне открытия в Мехико шестидневной международной конференции по проблемам СПИДа, в которой примут участие тысячи ученых, политиков и активистов.

Новые данные американских ученых и методика диагностики ВИЧ-инфицированных будут представлены в день открытия конференции в воскресенье.

Адрес статьи на bbcrussian.com

суббота, 2 августа 2008 г.


пятница, 1 августа 2008 г.


Пульс блогосферы по запросам Денисов и демография


The global war on sex education

If Barack Obama's tour of Europe and the Middle East does anything, it will give the senator from Illinois a taste of just how desperate the world beyond US borders is for the very brand of change he's advocated these many months. Sure there are the obvious points: the promise to pull out of Iraq, the reinvigoration of a kind of outwardly focused global neo-liberalism and engagement with allies and foes alike on everything from climate change to countering terror. But this month's World Population Day pointed to another reason the Bushies can't leave office fast enough.

According to a new World Bank report, despite a worldwide increase in access to contraception and contraceptive technologies, some 51 million unintended pregnancies take place every year in the developing world, and an additional 25 million pregnancies are gestated by women who use faulty contraception or don't understand the methods they're using.

Of that number, according to the World Bank, some 68,000 women die from botched or unsafe abortions each year, and some 5.1 million are left permanently disabled by them. "Giving women access to modern contraception and family planning also helps to boost economic growth while reducing high birth rates so strongly linked with endemic poverty, poor education and high numbers of maternal and infant deaths," Joy Phumaphi, the World Bank's vice-president for human development, and a former health minister in Botswana, said in a statement.

How does that connect to the Bush administration? Simple. Since the moment he stepped into office, Bush's commitment to the foolish "abstinence only" training both domestically and internationally has been coupled with a slavish devotion to the restrictive, ghoulish, "global gag rule", introduced by Ronald Reagan in 1984, that cut off funding for any organisation that used USAID funds to even touch the word "abortion". That meant an organisation couldn't counsel a woman on abortion as an option, even if it received money from an entirely separate funding source to do so.

Given that the 1973 Helms Amendment already banned US funds from paying for overseas abortions, Reagan's policy gagged healthcare providers and gave them a stark choice: lose crucial American funding (from the creation of USAID in 1965 to 1984, some 40% of all foreign funding to population control-oriented organisations globally came from the US), or severely limit the way they talked about reproductive choices.

Bill Clinton repealed the policy, but Bush reinstated it the moment he arrived in Washington, in January 2001. Then, in August 2003, he tried to deepen its impact, extending the ban from USAID to the entire state department, pushing to ban all employees at state from even discussing the consequences of abortion. Several reports issued at the time illustrated just how devastating Bush's policy had become. By 2002 USAID had ended shipments of contraceptives to 16 developing nations in Africa and Asia as a direct consequence of the gag rule.

Instead of ending abortions, the global gag rule pushed women into back alleys and undermined, even closed, organisations that would have counselled women on how not to get pregnant in the first place. By diminishing access to contraception, it was actually laying the groundwork for unsafe abortions. The global gag rule didn't just gag healthcare providers about abortion. It gagged them on contraception and education.

Since 2002, the Bush administration has also withheld funding - to the tune of $39.7m - from the United Nations Population Fund, claiming - despite evidence to the contrary - that UNFPA is connected to forced abortions in China. The shortfall from the US has also helped undermine the spread of contraception and education around the world, particularly in Africa.

"Hundreds of women are dying every day in poor countries from botched abortions," says Barbara Crane, executive vice-president of the North Carolina-based reproductive rights organisation IPAS, who wrote me by email last week. "By repeatedly cutting the budget for international family planning and putting in place the global gag rule, the supposedly 'pro-life' Bush administration ignores this tragic reality - and without doubt causes more unsafe abortions, posing high costs to women, their families and society at large. It is ironic that the same groups that oppose abortion rarely step up and support better access to contraception."

The Bush administration has time and again put American women's lives second to a religiously inspired relationship to women and reproductive health. Take their latest attempt to restrict American women's access to contraception and the kind of pre-emptive contraceptive measures that pro-life forces should love. In this latest salvo, the US department of health and human services would allow any healthcare provider the right to refuse to treat a woman, and defines "abortion" in such a broad manner as to restrict access to IUDs, the morning after pill, and some birth control pills.

This affects any entity – from public and private hospitals to pharmacies - that receives public funding from HHS, explains Jill Morrison, senior counsel at the National Women's Law Centre. "Under the guise of simply interpreting current law," Morrison explained, if this HHS proposal goes through it would "completely expand the federal abortion refusal laws to include some of the most commonly used forms of contraception." Morrison said it was fair to call this a "domestic gag rule".

The Bush administration's relationship to sex and reproduction has been consistently abysmal, from their utterly failed effort to promote abstinence only among teenagers to its unique ability to hire militantly anti-contraception "experts" like Susan Orr, a veteran of the religious Family Research Council, who was named acting deputy assistant secretary for population affairs in October of last year (and stepped down, quietly, in May). Orr was previously known for championing a measure that would strip funding for birth control for federal workers, saying she was "quite pleased because fertility is not a disease. It's not a medical necessity that you have it" and earlier calling contraception part of a "culture of death".

The Bush administration's notion of contraception and sex education has been consistently – maddeningly - oxymoronic. Abortion rates are lowest in countries where women have access to education, especially education on contraception. So while we in the US hold our collective breath, waiting out these last few months of Bush's efforts to restrict our freedoms, globally women are literally dying for him to leave.

Source: The Guardian (UK), 21 July 2008


Recommendations for Postexposure Interventions to Prevent Infection with Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and Tetanus in Persons Wounded During Bombings and Other Mass-Casualty Events
Recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United States, 2008
This report outlines recommendations for postexposure interventions to prevent infection with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus, or tetanus in persons wounded during bombings or other events resulting in mass casualties. Persons wounded during such events or in conjunction with the resulting emergency response might be exposed to blood, body fluids, or tissue from other injured persons and thus be at risk for bloodborne infections. This report adapts existing general recommendations on the use of immunization and postexposure prophylaxis for tetanus and for occupational and nonoccupational exposures to bloodborne pathogens to the specific situation of a mass-casualty event. The recommendations contained in this report represent the consensus of U.S. federal public health officials and reflect the experience and input of public health officials at all levels of government and the acute injury response community.