суббота, 30 января 2010 г.


Laboratorium. Журнал социальных исследований

предлагает социологам и представителям других социальных наук новую международную площадку для дискуссий и публикации результатов эмпирической работы. Печатная версия журнала публикуется три раза в год в Санкт-Петербурге. LABORATORIUM полностью доступен в электронном варианте. Все статьи проходят процедуру двойного анонимного рецензирования. Тексты принимаются к публикации на русском и английском языках и публикуются с полным переводом или развернутым резюме. Основное внимание уделяется качественным методам и сравнительной социологии, но печатаются также тексты из всех других областей социальных наук.

Лиговский, 87 офис 301
тел./факс +7(812) 718-37-96


четверг, 28 января 2010 г.

HIV related restrictions on entry, residence and stay in the WHO European Region: a survey

Jeffrey V. Lazarus , Nadja Curth , Matthew Weait and Srdan Matic

Journal of the International AIDS Society 2010,

Back in 1987, the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that the screening of international travellers was an ineffective way to prevent the spread of HIV. However, some countries still restrict the entrance and/or residency of foreigners with an HIV infection. HIV-related travel restrictions have serious implications for individual and public health and violate internationally recognized human rights. In this study we reviewed the current situation regarding HIV-related travel restrictions in the 53 countries of the WHO European Region.

We retrieved the country specific information chiefly from the Global Database on HIV Related Travel Restrictions at hivtravel.org. We simplified and standardized the database information to enable us to create an overview and compare countries. Where data was outdated, unclear or contradictory, we contacted WHO HIV focal points in the countries or appropriate nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The United States Bureau of Consular Affairs website was also used to confirm and complement these data.

Our review revealed that there are no entry restrictions for people living with HIV in 51 countries of the WHO European Region. In 11 countries (Andorra, Armenia, Cyprus (denied access for non-EU citizens)) Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) foreigners living with HIV applying for long-term stays will not be granted a visa. In Uzbekistan an HIV-positive foreigner can not even enter the country and in Georgia we were not able to determine whether there were any HIV-related travel restrictions due to a lack of information.

In 32% of the countries in the European Region, there are either some kind of HIV-related travel restrictions, or we were unable to determine if such restrictions are in force. Most of these countries defend restrictions as being justified by public health concerns. However, there is no evidence that denying HIV-positive foreigners access to a country is effective in protecting public health. Governments should revise legislation on HIV-related travel restrictions and in the meantime a joint effort is needed to draw attention to the continuing discrimination and stigmatization of PLHIV that takes place in the European Region where such laws and policies are still in force.

Free fulltext at http://www.jiasociety.org/content/pdf/1758-2652-13-2.pdf

воскресенье, 17 января 2010 г.

Bruce Springsteen Streets of Philadelphia Oscar 1994

пятница, 15 января 2010 г.

четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

HIV potential of China

There is much speculation regarding the contribution of China's changing demography to the spread of HIV/AIDS. We employ a bio-behavioral macrosimulation model of the heterosexual spread of HIV/AIDS to evaluate the roles that China's unique demographic conditions --
(1) masculine sex ratios at birth and
(2) a population age structure that reflects rapid fertility decline since the 1970's -- play in altering the market for sexual partners, thereby potentially fueling an increase in behaviors associated with greater risk of HIV infection.
We first simulate the relative contributions of the sex ratio at birth and the population age structure to the oversupply of males in the market for sexual partners and show that the sex ratio at birth only aggravates the severe oversupply of males which is primarily a consequence of the population age structure. We then examine the potential consequences of this demographic distortion for the spread of HIV infection and show that, to the extent that males adapt to the dearth of suitable female partners by seeking unprotected sexual contacts with female sex workers, the impact of the oversupply of males in the sexual partnership market on the spread of HIV will be severe.

Masculine sex ratios, population age structure and the potential spread of HIV in China subtitle

воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.

Social Determinants of Health and Data Systems

Call for Papers:
Supplement Social Determinants of Health and Data Systems
Public Health Reports (PHR) is inviting papers for a Supplement on Social Determinants of Health and Data Systems.
Deadline for submission: June 1, 2010.
The anticipated publication date for the PHR Supplement is Fall 2011.

Journal website -author guidelines at www.publichealthreports.org
The Guest Editors for this Supplement are :
Kathleen McDavid Harrison, Associate Director for Health Equity and
Hazel D. Dean, Deputy Director, both with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.

The Editors seek manuscripts that advance the scientific knowledge and public health research, practice, and policy on data systems related to addressing social determinants of health (SDH). Manuscripts may be analytic or descriptive in format and may propose models for new/enhanced data systems, evaluate existing data systems, or use data from current systems to illustrate how gaps can be addressed.

Manuscripts may examine policy, program, disease surveillance, or other appropriate data systems and novel ways to use them to monitor indicators of health equity.

Manuscripts addressing the following broad range of topics will be sought:
• Studies focusing on developing and identifying key metrics that might be used to better measure and monitor the impact of SDH;
• Studies that are multidisciplinary; that analyze or compare rather than merely describe; and that are not limited to one measure of social determinants or health outcomes, one age group, or one population subgroup;
• Mathematical models of social determinants of human immunodeficiency virus, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis outcomes;
• Studies that examine or use SDH analytic methods (e.g., individual-level, multilevel, and mixed-level analyses) that take into account

The uniqueness of the data being used;
• Evidence of linkage with policy or other constituencies that influence equity outcomes;
• Application of innovative analytic methods for studying and monitoring influences on health equity;
• Analyses to support the design and evaluation of policies, services, and interventions that enhance equity in health;
• Analyses or meta-analyses of available data on legal and health policies; and
• Use of evidence toward enhanced public accountability in and social action for health equity.

Manuscript requirements: Articles in PHR are typically 3,000–4,000 words in length.
All manuscripts will  be reviewed by the PHR Special Editorial Committee (SEC) for this Supplement.
The SEC determines which manuscripts are sent for external peer review and which manuscripts are published in the Supplement.

Submit manuscripts to: manuscripts@publichealthreports.org.
Please include “Attention Social Determinants of Health and Data Systems” in the subject line of the e-mail.

If you have any questions about this Supplement,  please contact
Dr. Kathleen McDavid Harrison (404-639-8000; KMcDavidHarrison@cdc.gov) or
Dr. Hazel D. Dean (404-639-8000; HDean@cdc.gov).

If you have any questions about PHR, please contact the Acting Editor, Laurence Reed, at 513-636-0257; Laurence.Reed@cchmc.org.
Public Health Reports is a peer-reviewed journal of the U.S. Public Health Service and the U.S. Surgeon General.
It is published in collaboration with the Association of Schools of Public Health. PHR is the oldest journal of public health in the U.S. and has published since 1878.
The journal is widely distributed internationally, and is indexed by MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Current Contents, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Pais International, and LexisNexis.

new Winpepi

A new release of the Winpepi computer programs for epidemiologists is  now available free at www.brixtonhealth.com.

The main new additions are:
estimation of risk ratios, risk differences, and NNT from logistic regression results;
Bayesian CIs for indices of positive and negative agreement;  and enhanced procedures for multiple comparisons of numerical samples.

вторник, 5 января 2010 г.

Lambeth Conference

all mainline churches opposed contraception until the Anglicans broke with tradition at the Lambeth Conference of 1930. Only then did others follow suit.

Surely Sanger must have remembered how Pope Pius XI wrote the famous Encyclical Castii Connubii (On Christian Marriage) four months after the Lambeth Conference of 1930, wherein he states that the teaching against contraception was “uninterrupted Christian tradition” (see paragraph 56 in the document).

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Dr. Gerard M. Nadal: Science in Service of the Pro-Life Movement

Discovering the massive funding of socialism and radicalism in America

# Posted by Allen Hardage on December 27, 2009 at 11:39pm on http://strike120.ning.com

America has been under attack by radicals for over sixty years but suddenly it seems that the attacks are coming in a tsunami of socialism. When Margaret Sanger started her organization Planned Parenthood back in 1940 after praising the tactics of the Nazi party in Germany to eugenically control the population of undesired people groups, there were relatively few radical organizations in the country. Today Planned Parenthood is actually one of the more tame organizations operating here to destroy the Christian values and conservative principles that most Americans hold as their own values.

It seems impossible to link those groups like People for the American Way, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign, SEIU, Tides Foundation etc to each other but the reality is that they are all funded by less than 120 prominent wealthy Americans and foreigners like George Soros. If the conservative movement in America wants to defeat these organizations’ plans to dismantle our way of life in America, we must unite to stop the funding of these radical socialist groups.

David Horowitz has done a stellar job at his website www.discoverthenetwork.org of profiling these organizations, there leadership and their financial contributors. Horowitz has compiled one of the most comprehensive profile sites on the net of who these people are and how they are interlinked. Another great site is www.muckety.com where you can actually see a web of connecting points between the groups and individuals.

The TEA Party movement’s best strategy to take this nation back is a three pronged approach: 1. Research who is funding these groups and through the groups the liberals in the government. 2. We must call them out on it by exposing them and publicly shaming them and their companies. Many of the top funders for the radical People for the American Way, a quasi-communist group that spews hatred toward anyone who is conservative, are the top stars and producers in Hollywood. 3. We must stop providing the financiers with our money for them to turn around and use it against us. You are free to call that a boycott if you would like but as I responded to blogger on HOTAIR’s Greenroom last week, I call it not providing my hard earned dollars to my philosophical enemies who then demand more of my money through taxes.

Over the last few years the liberal intelligencia has used a group called Democracy Alliance to fund campaigns and organizations throughout the country. Last week radio host Joel Aaron filling in on the Martha Zollar show highlighted this group and the high jacking of the Colorado elections of 2006 and 2008. They were able to take a state from a 63% Republican state in 2006 to a 68% Democratic state in 2008. They set up thug teams to discredit conservatives, work with groups like ACORN and SEIU to do voter intimidation and vote registering of homeless and illegals, you get the idea. The members of this group have to commit to contributing over $300,000 a year to organizations and candidates the Alliance selects.

The National Day of Strike on January 20, 2010 will be the first dismantling this socialist politeriate. We will begin researching and listing these organizations tomorrow and by the 20th we will have a complete list that gets released to all of the group so that we can launch a massive one day email, letter drop, phone calls to the companies and organizations that are funding the radical socialist agenda being forced through Congress. This is a strike of action at our enemies not a strike from our jobs. Together we can stop the radical takeover of our nation. We will post here the radical beliefs and associations of these groups. We will also be issuing press releases to expose these groups to the public.

воскресенье, 3 января 2010 г.


  • Председатель

    Mr Pauli Leinikki
    National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
    P.O. Box 30
    FI-00271 Helsinki
    Телефон: +358 40 5524314
    Эл.почта: pauli.leinikki@fimnet.fi

    Международный Технический Советник

    Ms Outi Karvonen
    National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
    P.O. Box 30
    FI-00271 Helsinki
    Телефон: +358 20 610 7046
    Эл. почта: outi.karvonen@thl.fi

    Представители Партнеров

    Ms Kristi Rüütel
    National Institute for Health Development
    Hiiu 42
    11619 Tallinn
    Phone: +372 659 3980
    Fax: +372 659 3901
    E-mail: kristi.ruutel@tai.ee


    Mr Jean-Elie Malkin
    GIP Esther
    36 rue de Charenton
    75012 Paris
    Phone: +33 (0) 1 5317 5163
    Fax: +33 (0) 1 5317 5157
    E-mail: jean-elie.malkin@esther.fr


    Mr Ulrich Marcus
    Deputy Head of HIV/STI Surveillance Unit
    Robert Koch-Institut
    Seestrasse 10
    13353 Berlin
    Phone: +49 (0)30 18754 3467
    Fax: +49 (0)30 18754 3522
    E-mail: marcusu@rki.de


    Mr Andris Ferdats
    AIDS Prevention Centre
    7 Klijanu St.
    LV-1012 Riga
    Phone: +371 6708 1623
    Fax: +371 6733 9954
    E-mail: andris.ferdats@sva.gov.lv


    Mr Saulius Chaplinskas
    Lithuanian AIDS Centre
    Nugaletoju St. 14 D
    LT-10105 Vilnius
    Phone: +370 5 2300 125
    Fax. +370 5 2300 123
    E-mail: saulius@aids.lt


    Mr Hans Blystad
    Deputy Director
    Dep. of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
    Norwegian Institute of Public Health
    Postbox 4404 Nydalen
    0403 Oslo
    Phone: +47 21076404
    Fax: +47 21076513


    Ms Anna Marzec-Boguslawska
    Director, National AIDS Centre
    ul. Samsonowska 1
    02-829 Warszawa
    Phone: +48 22 331 77 55
    Fax: +48 22 331 77 76
    E-mail: a.marzec@centrum.aids.gov.pl


    Mr Henrique Barros
    National Coodinator for HIV/AIDS
    Palcio Bensade, Estrada da Luz, n. 153
    1600-153 Lisboa
    Phone: +351 21 721 03 60;
    Fax: +351 21 722 08 22
    Head. Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology
    University of Porto Medical School
    4200-319 Porto
    Phone +351-225513652;
    Fax +351-225513653
    E-mail: hbarros@med.up.pt


    Татьяна Смольская
    Руководитель Северо-западного окружного центра по профилактике и борьбе с ВИЧ/СПИД
    Санкт-Петербургский Институт Пастера
    ул. Мира, 14
    197101 Санкт-Петербург
    Тел: +7 812 233 7336
    Факс: +7 812 233 0847
    Эл. почта: smolskaya@ts2981.spb.edu


    Mr Torsten Berglund

    Senior Research Officer

    Communicable Disease Prevention & Control

    The National Board of Health and Welfare

    SE-106 30 Stockholm


    Phone: +46 75 247 37 15

    E-mail: torsten.berglund@socialstyrelsen.se

    ECDC (Европейский Центр по Контролю и Профилактике Болезней)

    Mr. Mika Salminen
    Senior Expert HIV/STI/BBV
    Scientific Advice Unit
    European Centre for Disease
    Prevention and Control (ECDC)
    Tomtebodavägen 11 A
    SE-171 83 Stockholm
    Phone: +46 8 5860 1286
    Fax: +46 8 5860 1001
    E-mail: mika.salminen@ecdc.europa.eu
