среда, 4 марта 2009 г.

initiative sex work

Dear All,

I am writing to announce the establishment of a new research and communications consortium on sex work – the Paulo Longo Research Initiative (PLRI).

The founding partners are the Institute of Development Studies, the Centre for Advocacy on Stigma and Marginalisation, the Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine of Monash University Medical School and the Global Network of Sex Work Projects.

The idea for the PLRI arose among activists, policy advocates and academics who were frustrated by the quality of information on sex work available. Although there are many excellent books, essays and studies about sex work - including several by sex workers - a great deal of scholarship on sex work is misguided and unethically produced. Sex workers frequently complain that much of what is written about them reflects prejudices and myths rather than the reality of their lives. Advocates of rights based policy and programmes also complain about the lack of quality research to provide evidence to guide their work.

The PLRI aims to address these issues by gathering together institutions and people to review existing research and policy on sex work, conduct rigorous multi-disciplinary research and strategically communicate findings. Sex worker involvement will be central to the work of the PLRI.

The attached letter provides more details about our plans.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list please do get in touch with me on plri@ids.ac.uk.

In solidarity,

Kate Hawkins

Kate Hawkins

Communications Officer, Health and Social Change

Institute of Development Studies

Tel: +44 (01273) 875678





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