четверг, 11 октября 2007 г.


Contraceptive discontinuation attributed to method dissatisfaction in the United States
(Abstract; subscription needed for full text; North America) http://tinyurl.com/345uda
Contraception. 2007 Oct;76(4):267-272.
Moreau C | Cleland K | Trussell J
This study examines contraceptive discontinuation due to method dissatisfaction among women in the United States. The study population, drawn from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, consisted of 6724 women (15-44 years of age) who had ever used a reversible contraceptive method. We first estimated the overall proportion of women who had ever discontinued their contraceptive due to dissatisfaction. We then calculated method-specific discontinuation risks due to dissatisfaction and analyzed the reasons for dissatisfaction given by women who had ever stopped using Norplant, Depo-Provera, oral contraceptives or condoms. Overall, 46% of women had ever discontinued at least one method because they were unsatisfied with it. Dissatisfaction-related discontinuation risks varied widely by method: the diaphragm and cervical cap showed the highest proportions of such discontinuation (52%),
followed by long-acting hormonal methods (42%). Oral contraceptives were associated with an intermediate risk of dissatisfaction-related discontinuation (29%), while condoms had the lowest risk (12%). A broader understanding of women's concerns and experiences using contraception could help health care providers redesign counseling strategies to improve contraceptive continuation.

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