пятница, 12 октября 2007 г.


HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database

The HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database provides an easily accessible comprehensive source of information on HIV/AIDS indicators derived from sample surveys. The database allows the user to produce tables for specific countries by select background characteristics, as well as country reports.

The indicators included are primarily derived from the UNAIDS National AIDS Programmes: Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation. The guide provides standardized indicators for measuring the success of HIV/AIDS programs. Included are a number of indicators identified to monitor the goals set at the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS, the Millennium Development Goals, and strategic goals of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

Currently, the main sources of HIV/AIDS indicators in the database are the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), the Reproductive Health Surveys (RHS), the Sexual Behavior Surveys (SBS), and Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (BSS). The database is designed to be global in scope, eventually covering all countries for which indicators are available.

There are 205 surveys available in the database. Following is a breakdown of surveys by type:

Surveys by Type
132 29 2 29 3 4 6

The HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database is supported primarily by USAID, through the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief initiative, with additional support provided by UNICEF and UNAIDS., and implemented by Macro International Inc. through the MEASURE DHS project. Data from the HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database is regularly fed into the UNAIDS Country Response Information System (CRIS) and the WHO Global Health Atlas. The database is overseen by a technical advisory committee that includes representatives from USAID, UNICEF, CDC, UNAIDS, WHO, US Census Bureau, Family Health International, MEASURE Evaluation, US Census Bureau International Programs Center, and MEASURE DHS.

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